AGM scheduled for September 25
- 10 September 2021
- Peter Watson
Dear club member,
This is formal notice that the 2021 AGM of the NBS Waahi Taakaro Golf Club will be held on Saturday September 25 at 9am in the clubhouse. Please make an effort to attend to find out more about what has been happening and what is planned at your club and to have your say.
Nominations for patron, president, vice president, club captain and three management committee positions must be received in writing by the secretary-manager no later than Saturday, September 11. All nominations must contain the names of proposers and seconders. A nomination sheet is on the upstairs noticeboard in the clubhouse.
All proxy and postal votes must be received in writing by the secretary-manager no later than Friday September 24.
The following business will be conducted at the AGM:
Minute silence for those club members who have passed on:
Minutes of 2020 AGM held on 19/9/21:
Matters arising:
Receive and adopt annual reports from the following:
· President
· Club captain
· Manager
Receive and adopt 2020-21 audited accounts: The manager will also give an update for the 2021-22 year to date
Subs/fees for 2022-23: receive and adopt a non-binding recommendation from the management committee that the annual subs for 2022-23 be $520 for an adult 18-hole member and $440 for an adult 9-hole member and that all other subs remain unchanged. The season will be extended from March 31 to April 14 2023 to compensate for the time lost during the recent L4 lockdown.
Election of officers: The manager will announce the nominations received for the various posts and those people who have advised the club of proxy and postal votes prior to any election being necessary. If an election is required two scrutineers will be appointed to count votes.
Update on the hub: The manager to present the latest progress report with supporting comments from hub subcommittee chair Steve Russell. A notice of motion seeking formal support for the development of a hub based at the club will be tabled on the understanding that if it proposes any significant changes to the operation and management of the clubhouse and related facilities that this will be put to a special general meeting of the club for approval.
General business: Kitchen upgrade
Meeting closed: