Local rules

These are to be read in conjunction with the Rules of Golf and any rules on the club noticeboard.

  1. OUT OF BOUNDS: All course boundary fences, and white pegs on No 1/10, 6/15,fairways, to the left, right and back of No 18 green, putting green and car park.
  2. INTERNAL OUT OF BOUNDS: On the right hand side of No 9 fairway behind the trees. It skirts the No 6 green and is marked by white pegs.
  3. WATER HAZARDS (NOW KNOWN AS PENALTY AREAS): Red pegs on No 7/16 and 8/17 and river when playing No 9/18.
  4. LATERAL WATER HAZARDS (NOW KNOWN AS PENALTY AREAS): Red pegs along river on No 1/10, 8/17 and 9/18 fairways, creek on left of No 8/17 and pond/rough on 4/13, and from drain outlet/power pole down to path near green on left side of No 6/15 and left to fence-line up to No 7 tee.
  5. LOST OR OUT-OF-BOUNDS BALL: You must play a provisional ball if you think this has happened, and take a stroke and distance penalty if you can't find your first ball.
  6. YOUNG TREES: Any tree staked or protected that is under two club lengths in height which interferes with stance or swing. The ball must be lifted and dropped without penalty within one club length not nearer the hole from the nearest point of relief.
  7. PATHS, TRACTOR TRACKS, RABBIT SCRAPES: A ball on a formed path, tractor tracks or rabbit scrape anywhere on the course other than a hazard, may be lifted and dropped without penalty within one club length not nearer the hole from the nearest point of relief.
  8. LEAF RULE: In autumn and winter if you hit into a leafy area and can't find your ball within three minutes, you are entitled to a free drop where it entered, providing your playing partners agree.
  9. TREES ON NO 1: To speed up play, if you hit it into trees right of the fairway on No 1 and can't find your ball within three minutes, you can drop on the edge of the fairway where the ball entered and take a two-shot penalty rather than going back to the tee.
  10. FLOOD RELIEF ON NO 6/15, 8/17 AND 9/18: Until further notice where the ground has been damaged by flood, there is free placing on your own fairway to the nearest point of relief no nearer the hole. There is a free drop in the rough to the nearest point of relief no nearer the hole.
  11. POWER LINES: If a ball strikes a power line it must be replayed with no penalty.
  12. IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS: All sprinkler heads and tap covers, pump shed on No 9, and internal out of bound pegs when playing No 6/15 and 18 are deemed immovable obstructions. Relief rule applies.
  13. GARDENS: There are no free drops on gardens or barked areas on the course unless there is signage saying otherwise. The ball must be played as it lies or deemed unplayable and a one-shot penalty taken.
  14. PLACING: One full club length on your own fairway not nearer the hole is permitted unless otherwise informed. The Golf Committee has the power to institute a lift, clean, place rule for balls plugged anywhere on the course over the winter months. Check the noticeboards to see if this is in force.
  15. SLOW PLAY: Players who lose one clear hole on the rest of the field, must call following players through. Walk quickly between shots and don’t loiter on the greens.
  16. MEASURING DEVICES: May be used for all competition play on the course, providing the device measures distance only. If a player uses a device which measures other conditions such as gradient, wind speed, temperature etc, then the player is in breach of Rule 4-3, for which the penalty is loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play. The penalty for any subsequent breach is disqualification.

Please replace divots, repair pitch marks and rake bunkers.

Blue marker domes are 180m, white domes are 135m and red domes are 90m are from the centre of the green. 

Course etiquette

We would ask all players to:

  • Repair pitch marks on greens
  • Replace divots or use a sand bucket to fill them in
  • Watch flight of partner’s ball and note where they finish
  • Remain motionless and silent while others are preparing to hit
  • When attending the flag, keep your feet as far from the hole as possible
  • Smooth out foot and divot marks in bunkers with the rakes provided.
  • Do not mark cards on greens, wait until you are on the next tee
  • Keep your caddy carts off the greens
  • Try to keep up with the field. If you cannot, then call following players through
  • Keep the course tidy by using the rubbish bins provided
  • Play in groups of no more than four
  • Use your own clubs, do not share sets.


To obtain an official handicap, a player must be a financial member of a golf club and submit scorecards showing a player has played a total of 54 holes. The lowest 8 of the most recent 20 handicap differentials are used to calculate your handicap index.

All players must fill in a card for any stroke play or matchplay round comprising more than 6 holes. If you play 7-12 holes, enter a 9-hole score. If you play 13 or more holes, enter an 18-hole score.

A player with no handicap is not eligible to play in club competitions.

The player is responsible for ascertaining their correct handicap index. This number must be entered onto the scorecard, along with the club number (Waahi Taakaro 435), your computer number and the ESC gross score. Your scorecard must be signed by both player and scorer before it is returned. 

The handicapper may arbitrarily reduce or increase the handicap of players who do not return handicap cards (section 8, para 1C of NZGA rules). 

Please do not practise on the course. Use the practice facilities instead.