About NBS Waahi Taakaro Golf Club
Our strategic plan states the following:
OUR VISION: To provide enjoyable and affordable golf at Nelson’s most welcoming club.
OUR MISSION: To promote the growth and development of the club and ensure its long-term financial viability for the benefits of all present and future members.
- Loyalty and commitment to the club and its best interests
- High standards of integrity and honesty
- Openness and inclusiveness
- Transparent and democratic decision-making
- High standards of service
Golf for us is about having fun with your friends in a fantastic place.
Our members are friendly, down to earth and come from all walks of life and new members can expect a warm welcome and introduction.
The club, which averages more than 250 members throughout the year, employs a manager for 30 hours a week and three staff to run the golf shop on behalf of the Nelson City Council.
Our club is governed by a management committee headed by our president Paul Tunnicliff and vice president Grant Fergusson and meets monthly. A golf committee headed by club captain Peter Green oversee things to do with the game.
Our club leaders welcome and value your feedback and encourage your participation in club affairs and activities. We endeavour to keep you informed through weekly emails, newsletters, an annual questionnaire and our website and Facebook page. Check the noticeboards and information table in the clubrooms for updates.
Patron: John Towns | 03 5468610 | glentowns@me.com |
Management Committee | ||
President: Paul Tunnicliff | 0273613770 | tunnicliffpaul1@gmail.com |
Vice president: Grant Fergusson | 0274387545 | grant.fergusson@hotmail.com |
Club captain: Peter Watson | 0274433494 | peterw@actrix.co.nz |
Lloyd Moyle | 0212172748 | landsmoyle@gmail.com |
Heather Carey | 0272525662 | heather.carey@xtra.co.nz |
Peter Van Den Bogaardt | 0272525662 | peter.vandenbogaardt@gmail.com |
Club manager: Tony Lewis | 0212875515 | lewistony2@gmail.com> |
Clubhouse/manager’s office | 03 5487771 | waahitaakaro@xtra.co.nz |
Caretaker: Jonathan Tuheke | 03 5480902 | |
Golf Shop | 03 5487301 | waahitaakaroproshop@golf.co.nz |
Golf Committee: Peter Watson (chair), James Campion, Neil McLaren, Gareth Edwards, Graham Galt, Jim McMullan, Garth Jameson.
Sloan Selectors: James Campion, Peter Watson
Old Hickory selectors: Ian Hanford
Match Committee: This shall consist of any Golf Committee members present on the day or any member asked to advise.
(a) All competitions shall be played on the dates laid down, unless stated otherwise. However the match committee shall have the rights to alter or vary the programme.
(b) When play offs are required all players shall be on the specified tee within the specified time as laid down by the match committee. All disputes arising from matches must be referred to the match committee at the earliest possible opportunity and no later than the completion of the match.
Handicap Committee
(a) A handicap committee is the committee of a golf club that ensures compliance with the NZG Handicap System, including peer review. The Golf Committee of the club shall fulfil this function. A majority of the handicap committee must be members of the golf club. Club employees may serve on the handicap committee, but an employee may not serve as chairman. Any golf club using the NZG Handicap System is required to have a handicap committee.
(b) The handicap committee shall verify that all acceptable scores are reported for handicap purposes, and that recorded scores are available for peer review.
Course Management
The course is maintained and managed by the Nelson City Council so any queries or suggestions related to the course must be passed on to the club manager in the first instance or a member of the management or golf committee. These should be in writing or email. It will be then up to the club's representatives on the Greens committee to decide whether to raise such matters with Nelson City Council and Nelmac representatives at the monthly meetings.