Club AGM on September 19

  • 24 August 2020
  • Peter Watson

Our 2020 annual general meeting will be held on Saturday, September 19 at 9am in the clubhouse so please mark that date on your calendar and make every effort to attend.

It has been an action-packed year and more is planned so this is your opportunity to learn more and give us your feedback.

As set down in our constitution, all candidate nominations for the positions of club president, vice president, club captain and on the management committee must be submitted to the secretary-manager by Saturday September 5. All nominations must be clearly written, proposed and seconded. Please do this on the sheet attached to the noticeboard upstairs in the clubhouse.

All notice of motions to the AGM must also be submitted to the secretary-manager by Saturday, September 5.

If you can't make the AGM, there is provision for proxy and postal votes, which must be submitted either by email or in writing to the secretary-manager by Friday September 18.

We hope to circulate reports by the the president and manager, as well as an agenda and a financial report to members prior to the AGM so you can come to the meeting informed.

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