Fun ambrose ends season

  • 3 December 2022
  • Peter Watson

Our traditional closing day ambrose was well supported on Saturday, with eleven teams of four battling it out for bragging rights.

After a difficult season blighted by August's devastating flood it was good to see our club members in the mood to have some fun, with some dressing up for the occasion.

The team captained by president Paul Tunnicliff - who putted superbly - and including Ali Mawby, Leigh Webster and Peter Watson took the honours for the second time in three years with an excellent net 57. Playing to a team handicap of 13, they went out in 34 and back in 36 for 70 off the stick.

They just pipped Keri Kotua's team of Aaron and Barb Kotua and Pete Green who finished with a net 57.625 after they came in with a 65 which was made up of a front nine of 33 and a back nine of 32.

In third was Geoff Halkett team of Dean Goodman, Steve Russell and Andy Isle who recorded a net 58.35. Their 63 consisted of an opening 31 and a closing 32. 

The best dressed team went to Warren and Heather Carey, Steve Turnell and Maurice Woodhouse who competed in tutus and bee wings. Honourable mentions go to Garth Jameson and Mick Leggett.

Our thanks go to our caterer Dot Dixon for providing a tasty lunch and club captain Pete Green for the extra prizes.


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