Golden Oldies captain's annual report for 2017-18

  • 16 September 2018
  • Peter Watson

Waahi Taakaro Golf Club Golden Oldies Captains Report 2017/18


The last 12 months has been a solid year for the Golden Oldies Members of the club. There have been no significant changes as to how this section of the Club operates during this period. The numbers playing in the Thursday competitions has increased slightly from an average of 22 players the previous year to 24 each week this year. There were 3 fewer competitions during the last 12 months due to adverse weather. The total number of 9 hole “rounds “played” was 1062. With $531 dollars returned to the Club as a match fee, the fee increased to 50 cents per player part way through the year. This was introduced to match the $1 match fee for the Saturday 18 hole competitions. Over the duration of the year $792 dollars in raffle money was remitted to the club. I don’t have the figure for the cost of the prizes but sufficient to say that the returns to the club were significant. The major difference to income for the Club from the Section was the returns from lunch sales. This initiative was promoted by John Shaw and Ray Hopgood has returned to the Club $1697 dollars, less the cost for produce. My thanks to all those players that have taken a “turn” in the kitchen and to Gordon Davidson for his help as well.

Trophy winners for the year were Rod Thomason, Laurie Ashby Cup, Mike Murphy and Trevor Atkinson Langley Cup and myself the Polly Pearse Trophy. It is proposed that another Cup competition be added to the programme this year with a Match Play Competition played over 18 holes. This will not be an automatic entry Comp and only played by those wishing to enter.

With the Club taking over the day to day running of the course this year it enabled the section to initiate an Open Mixed Vets Competition inviting players from other clubs to play. The second scheduled event was cancelled in part due to lack of support and course conditions following a flood event that did quite a lot of damage to the course. The first and third were well supported and made money for the Club. We look forward to having more of these events as long as there is sufficient support both from within and from outside the Club. Th format will be an 18 hole and a 9 hole competition on the same day.

There is always a good representation from our Club at the other mixed open events run at Nelson, Totaradale, Motueka and Green Acres. It is good to see our club members in “The Winners Circle “at most of those events, with several “firsts” among them, well done everyone.

The Hickory Team has had a mixed time this calendar year, in February we were last at but in March at Motueka we were 2nd. At Green Acres in April 6th and 2nd again over in Takaka. At Tasman a very good 3rd, slipping to 4th at Totaradale in July. The August round at Nelson was called off after 9 very wet holes! The number of players playing in this comp from the Thursday group was 13 and the total number from the Club was 15, a good spread being able to take part. Thanks to Rod Thomason in his role of Selector and keeping us in line!

Tuesday Golf. These comps are not totally a Golden Oldies territory and are intended to be open to all Club Members, Concession Card Holders and even Green Fee players but it is worth while giving them a mention in this report. Over the last 12 months a total of 798, 9 hole “rounds” have been played. A decision was made part way through the year that a “match fee” would be paid to the Club for this comp of 50 cents per player. This has returned to the Club $322.5 in fees.

On behalf of you all I give a “Thankyou “to Gordon, Adam and Brendon for taking on the role of registration and doing the draw for our events. Thanks also To John Shaw for taking on a Management Committee Position when I became Vice President and to Rod Thomason for his Management Committee role. Thanks to Pat Melville for his help throughout the year and the huge amount of time he puts into his role as Club President

It is 3 years since I took on the role of “Captain”, it has had its moments but overall it has been an enjoyable experience but it may be a good time to elect a new Captain for the group.

Golden Oldies Captain. Richard Pearson.

August 29th 2018.

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