Golden Oldies results for January 27, 2022

  • 27 January 2022
  • Peter Watson

It was kind of appropriate that Michael Doyle won Thursday's Irish stableford competition.

The man with the common Irish name has been in good form lately and nobody could match his 45 points for the nine holes in ideal playing conditions.

Ray Blommaart got close but in the end came up one shy to secure second with 44 points.

Chris Kenchington and Andrew Dean shared third place after finishing with 42 points each. Andrew had a further collect after sharing the twos money with Bryan Ramsey.

Fifth was John McGougan (41). He was followed by Trevor Atkinson and Bryan with 40 apiece and John Dixon and John Gibbons with 39 each. Barry Flowers rounded off the top 10 with 38 points. 

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