Notice of AGM on September 21

  • 4 September 2019
  • Peter Watson

The AGM of the Waahi Taakaro Golf Club will be held in the clubrooms at 9am on Saturday, September 21.

A quorum of 20 members (excluding proxy and postal votes) is required for the meeting to proceed. It is important we get a good turnout so please make an effort to attend.

The following business will be conducted:

* To receive apologies

* To confirm minutes of the previous year’s AGM

* To receive annual reports from the chairperson/acting president and club captain

* To adopt the annual accounts

* To review the budget, subs and fees for the forthcoming year as recommended by the management committee and to adopt the same with any amendments passed at the AGM

* To appoint an auditor

* To elect a patron

* To elect a club president, vice president, club captain and members of the management committee

* To debate any notices of motion brought to the meeting. Such notices must be notified to the club secretary/manager at least 14 days prior to the AGM (ie by September 7) and must be proposed and seconded by eligible members.

* To discuss matters of general business


Those members wishing to stand for club leadership positions and for the management committee must by nominated and seconded by eligible club members. The names of such candidates together with their proposers and seconders must be in the hands of the secretary/manager on the correct nomination form no less than 14 days before the AGM (ie by September 7). These forms can be collected from the secretary/manager and will also be posted on club noticeboards.


Under the redrafted constitution you can now vote by proxy. A proxy must be appointed in writing and signed and if by email it must be sent by the voting member The proxy must state whether it is for a particular meeting or a specified term or item. All proxies must be received by the secretary/manager at least one day before the AGM.

If you are unable to attend the AGM you can also vote by post. This must be in writing, signed and delivered to the secretary/manager in a sealed envelope at least one day before the AGM.


If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to manager Peter Watson either at the clubrooms or by ringing 5487771 or 0274433494 or by emailing 

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